

Deployment of new Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)
The Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia and Burma are the countries that the Ministry of Manpower allows Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) deployment from.


Deployment of Transfer Maid / FDW
For transferring a maid or domestic worker, it will take up to 3 days to process. You can personally interview them at the Singapore office.


Direct hire of FDW
A direct application for the transferring of a maid / domestic helper through FCMaid without requiring the domestic helper to pay additional loans. All the paperwork and processes will be handled by our staff here at the agency.


Employer’s Orientation Programme (EOP)
A three hour course that allows the employer to familiarize oneself with employing and transferring of a maid / domestic helper. It is MANDATORY for those who are hiring a FDW for the first time to attend the EOP, which can also be done online.


FDW Household Competency On-site Training Programme
Our trainers at the agency will head down to your residences to conduct on-site training for your maid or transfer maid to customize and suit the training to your preferences.


Settling In-Programme (SIP)
Effective from the 1st of May 2012, all first-time Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) are required to attend the SIP within 3 days of arrival and before beginning work with their employers. Our agency ensures that the registrations of the domestic workers for the SIP are completed within the given time frame.


Liason with Embassies
The agency liases with the different embassies in Singapore to assist in the renewal of the domestic workers passports and Home Leave documentation when the helpers return home for the holidays.


Medical Check-up
Each foreign domestic worker (FDW) is required to go for a medical check up upon arrival in Singapore and every 6th monthly to screen for infections and pregnancies, which are to be performed by a registered medical doctor in Singapore. All the fees are to be borne by the employer.


Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
FCMaid will assists in the purchase of the minimum insurance of $10K which is required by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for FDW Accidental and Permanent Disability. As it is the employer’s responsibility to cover the cost of a helper’s medical treatment while in Singapore, the employer can upgrade the insurance coverage at a cost.


Waiver of Security Bond
If the domestic helper runs away with no excess, the bond is forfeited and the employer will be reimbursed with a $5K security bond under the reimbursement of indemnity policy. This policy includes extra coverage such as accidental death benefit for employer, building coverage against fire, worldwide purchase protection benefit and loss or damage to frozen food due to breakdown of refrigerator.


Application of Work permits
Through the use of WP Online or a manual application via Singpost, you can apply for a WP for the FDW


Renewal of Work permit
A renewal notice will for the work permit will be sent two months prior to the expiry of the FDW’s Work Pemit, it can be renewed 30 days before it’s expiry through WP Online. The collection of the new permit accompanied by the $5000 security bond and general insurance which is required by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) via FCMaid.


Cancellation of Work Permit
The cancellation of a work permit is necessary when the contract ceases for the domestic helper, it can be either done when the permit expires or is still valid thorugh WP Online


Booking of Return Passages
The purchase of flight tickets to all parts are at competitive prices for the FDWs at all times.

Why Choose FC Maid Agency Singapore?

We at Frondosa City Employment/Maid Agency Singapore - FC Maid are dedicated to serving our clients through the understanding of each patrons’ needs. From there, we stringently select a domestic worker that it most suited towards the required tasks. Rest assured that each and every domestic helper at FC Maid is up to your standards. They are promptly screened upon their arrival for their strengths and weaknesses, with the focus of our efforts targeted on reinforcing the skills that they are lack of. We have customized training programmes suited to each household respectively. Leave it to us at FC Maid, your problems are ours too. We are here for you, do visit us for a consultation, we will be all ears.

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Our Awards - Singapore Quality Brands

SME Prestige Award

Promising SME 500 2014

Singapore Business Gurus

Top 100 Singapore Excellence Award

FC Maid Logo

"Successful Maids With Sincere Hearts"      

" Well-Trained by Well Trainers"

 Licence No. 13C6312

FCMaid Logo 2

Operating Hours

Strictly by appointment only


Monday - Sunday

Including Public Holidays


Please Call +65 6100 8860 for appointment.


Please SMS +65 9866 5555 for appointment.

Contact Us

Frondosa City Employment Agency

Operating Hours : Strictly by appointment only, please call/SMS before coming
Address : BLK 56 Marine Terrace #01-255
Marine Terrace Haven
Singapore 440056
Important : Click here before calling.
Price or Value?
Tel : +65 6448 8860 / +65 6100 8860
Fax : +65 6826 4043
SMS : +65 9866 5555
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Useful links

Important Information

Transient Workers

Ministry of Manpower

Myanmar Embassy, SG


Online Employer Orientation Program

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